The Priest’s Wife

Book Title: The Priest's Wife

Author: A G Rivett



by A. G. Rivett

As announced in The Bookseller

In the second book of A. G. Rivettʼs Isle Fincara Trilogy, the focus shifts to Morag, the priestʼs wife. We meet her at a turning point, when loss brings in its wake further unwelcome changes. And a challenge: to know herself anew. This turns into a quest for identity, as she is freed to go on a journey back to her roots to discover what she can about her mysterious mother.

The Priestʼs Wife, like The Seaborne, is about community as well as individuals. That allows for a lightness of touch and some humour in the wider world of the narrative. But change is coming from the mainland to the Island, sweeping aside the old ways. Out in the west, the people of Caerpadraig are resistant to the new religion. Tension opens up a void and eyes turn towards Morag to fill the gap.

The Priestʼs Wife is a story of individuals pushed to the limit, but finding their way through. It explores depression, psychological breakdown—and emergence.

The Story

When her husband the priest dies, Morag loses more than her life partner. With him goes her home and her place in the community. When her identity is also called into question, she sets out on a quest to find herself anew.
Meanwhile, the new priest brings with him a religion that seeks to sweep away the mix of Celtic myth and Christian story that has sustained the islanders for many years.

A vividly imagined journey through an alternative Celtic reality which skilfully combines an intriguing narrative with lyrical description and spiritual depth.

Maggie Hamand
Author of Virgin and Child

Suspenseful and engaging. A thoroughly good read that challenges the assumptions that hold us back.

Isabel Clarke
Author of Madness, Mystery and the Survival of God

This book has been published with the financial support of the Books Council of Wales.

Reader Reviews

A G Rivett has succeeded in constructing a fully convincing and compelling world and I felt truly immersed in it as a reader.
Moving and authentic.
A compelling and satisfying sequel to The Seaborne.
Perhaps one small sign of this book’s success is that I’m absolutely dying to know what happens next.

The Priest's Wife - Chapter 1

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Author Bio

Ceredigion author A G Rivett claims to have lived several lives in the course of his one life. Born in London, raised in the Home Counties, he has been a doctor, a priest, and a crofter in the Scottish Highlands, on the lands of his Mackenzie ancestors. He has lived in rural Northern Nigeria and knows what a simpler life looks like, less dependent on technology.

Together with his second wife, Gillian Paschkes-Bell, they form a team of wordsmiths and writers, exploring how the stories we tell interact with our lives in various ways of describing truth.